Who we are
The Origins of Courts go back to Burns Philip incorporated in 1920 and to Courts PLC a company incorporated in the UK which was a specialist retailer of electrical and home furnishing goods operating in countries in the Caribbean, South East-Asia, Pacific, and Indian Ocean Countries.
Courts antecedents commenced operations in Fiji in 1920. Courts was the first company in Fiji to introduce easy payment schemes which enabled a countless number of families in Fiji to buy basic durable household goods to improve their lifestyles and living standards.
Courts are the agents and distributors and accredited business partners for numerous world-renowned manufacturers and brands. Courts also export merchandise to several countries in the South Pacific region.
Courts is the dominant market leader and retailer of Electrical, Furniture, Computers, Electronics, Phones, Audio-Visual, Sporting, Floor Coverings, and other Homeware goods. Courts have dominated the market, particularly in electrical appliances and furniture for several decades. Courts have an extensive Store network in all major cities and towns in Fiji and the market share is estimated at around 70%. Courts is also the largest provider of consumer finance outside of the regulated financial institutions with a live customer base of over 77,000 customers in December 2019.
Courts also have a large service operation offering comprehensive after-sales care and parts supply for all the products it offers to its customers. The in-house financing and the service operation give Courts a significant competitive advantage in the market. Currently, Courts employ over 900 employees.

The Beginning.
Courts genesis goes back to the day when the then conglomerate Burns Philp (South seas) Co Ltd incorporated its business in Fiji in June 1920. A comparatively large public company was incorporated in
Fiji styled Burns Phillip (South seas) Co Ltd with an issued share capital of £ 750,000, to acquire the assets of the parent Burns Philp Co Ltd and its business interests in Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Gilbert and Ellice, New Hebrides, British Solomon Islands, etc.. Burns Philp (S.S.) Co Ltd, went on to expand and open branches in major cities and towns in Fiji.
In February 1971, Courts PLC – a then UK-based public company, incorporated Courts (Fiji) Limited and commenced trading operations in Fiji by opening its first store in Samabula. Courts were the first business to introduce easy payment consumer loans that enabled countless families in Fiji to purchase much-desired household goods that improved lifestyles and standards of living. Courts is endeared in the memories of families in all far-flung corners of the Fiji archipelago.

Courts (Fiji) Limited acquired the Business of Burns Philip Homecentres.
Courts (Fiji) Limited and Burns Philip Homecentres businesses merged and the business carried on as Courts Fiji Limited Homecentres.

In May 2006, the company was acquired by the Vision Group comprising the four founder shareholders, Jacks of Fiji, RC Manubhai, Challenge Engineering, and Candle Investments. Subsequently, the word ‘Homecentres’ was dropped, and today the business carries on the proud tradition of “Courts”. Twenty-sixteen was another milestone year, when on February 29 of that year, Courts became a division of Vision Investments Limited, a thriving and successful public listed company with shareholders such as the Fiji National Provident Fund, Unit Trust of Fiji, BSP Life, Fijian Holdings Unit Trust and International Finance Cooperation (an affiliate of the world bank), in addition to the four Vision Group founder shareholders. The same year Vision Finance Limited was established.
Best Buys for Business (Courts) was established and SportsWorld was acquired.